
Showing posts with label cell phone bag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cell phone bag. Show all posts

July 02, 2009

crocheted pouch 'Om'

Order this item for $59
God has created the Earth. He has seen that it is good. He has told "Om". So all auspicious actions begin with Om.. You can crochet your own remarkable pouch using this scheme:

June 23, 2009

crocheted cell phone pouch

Now you can order a beautiful crocheted cell phone pouch with custom initial, size and color! View more..

June 17, 2009

crochet set with seed beads

This cell phone bag is custom work for my dear sister :) Her name is Anna and I crocheted the silver letter "A" on the front of the bag. On a thread there were a little black seed beads and I have made a cell phone charm too. The bag inside is smooth and cozy. There is no any bead.

June 09, 2009

crocheting with seed beads

One day I read my friendlist on the and saw this beauty. What a pretty bag! Do you belive me that this item is crocheted with seed beads! I must try to crochet something like this! So I get a little pattern with russian letter "G", hematite and silver color seed beads and cotton yarn. In one week I did a set - the cell phone charm and the crocheted phone bag:

This bag is flexible and hold a phone well. Inside there are not any seed beads, so cell phone doesn't get damage:

You can order it now for $62 with a custom initial, size and color.

April 02, 2009

crochet and seed beads

Сумочка для мобильного телефона была связана на заказ. По желанию заказчицы были использованы гематитовый, черный и голубой цвета. Оказалось, что среди моих запасов есть много тайваньского бисера, тот самый, который никому не нравится из-за своей неровности. Работать с ним одно мучение, но и выбросить - рука не поднималась, все же деньги были плачены :) И вот в связанном виде все неровности бисера оказались достоинствами, каждая бисеринка играет, а в целом они создают фактурность.

This small bag for cell phone is crocheted used cotton cord and Taiwan seed beads: hematite, black and blue colors. Measures: 10 cm in height, 5 cm in width.